Fable 2 .tex file

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
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Fable 2 .tex file

Post by IDontKnowMuch »

Hello :) I need help opening textures from the Fable 2 game on the Xbox 360. They seem to use their own format and i have no clue about parsing image files so i'm really hoping someone can help. I'll attach 3 files. I believe Start.tex is an animation with a resolution of 24x24 while the other two are textures. The files are big endian. If you need any other files please ask.

I believe that the byte at 0x8 (0x30) is the header size and the proceeding 4 bytes are the data size. So starting from 0x30 and reading for example 0x2D74 bytes, we get a data chunk. In the mbully_face_01a.tex file another header appears at the end of that chunk which is for some more of the data. This repeats a couple of times until the last header which has similar properties to the Start.tex file. I guess i'd recommend looking at the icon_carrot2.tex first as it looks the simplest and most ordinary of them all.