quickbms mcrypt

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quickbms mcrypt

Post by chrrox »

is there a way to make files work in quickbms that were encoded with mcrypt to work with standard aes interface?
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Re: quickbms mcrypt

Post by aluigi »

quickbms uses the following C code:

Code: Select all

    } else if((mcrypt_ctx = quick_mcrypt_check(type))) {    // libmcrypt
        if(mcrypt_generic_init(mcrypt_ctx, key, keysz, ivec) < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\nError: mcrypt key failed\n");
            myexit_cmd(cmd, QUICKBMS_ERROR_ENCRYPTION);

where "type" is what you used as encryption algorithm, for example "mcrypt_rijndael-256_cbc".

Doesn't it work?
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Re: quickbms mcrypt

Post by chrrox »

It works fine I was just reading online that with some padding normal aes should work also?
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Re: quickbms mcrypt

Post by aluigi »

honestly didn't check how mcrypt works :)