The Script from Acewell works perfectly (with normal BMS not 4GB BMS) on the PC version of Spider-Man and extract indeed everything. For all .PKR (V3) files ! Thanks a lot !
@Acewell, do you have a full script also for the PS1 version of Spider Man ? To extract each voices from COMPILED.XA and files from CD.WAD ? For @Acewell :
It's for import all french voices and texts from the Playstation 1 version to the PC Version. The PC version was english only.
idstring "PKR3" get INFO_OFF long goto INFO_OFF get UKN long get NUM_FOLDERS long get TOTAL_FILES long savepos FOLDERSTART math TMP = NUM_FOLDERS math TMP * 40 math TMP + FOLDERSTART for i = 0 < NUM_FOLDERS goto FOLDERSTART getdstring FOLDERNAME 0x20 get TPF long get FILES long savepos FOLDERSTART goto TMP for j = 0 < FILES getdstring FNAME 0x20 get UKN2 long get FLAG long get OFFSET long get SIZE long get ZSIZE long string NAME p "%s%s" FOLDERNAME FNAME if FLAG < 2 log NAME OFFSET ZSIZE else clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE endif next j savepos TMP next i
Tgames wrote:@Acewell, do you have a full script also for the PS1 version of Spider Man ? To extract each voices from COMPILED.XA and files from CD.WAD ?
why you calling me out? no, i have no script for PS1 version of Spiderman, need samples. and i don't know much about audio formats so i can't help with your xa and wad sample.
Tgames wrote:The Script from Acewell works perfectly (with normal BMS not 4GB BMS)...
hmm interesting, i don't think 64 bit was even a thing at the time of this game release.
aluigi wrote:quickbms_4gb_files compatibility: get FLAG long -> get FLAG signed_long
how on earth am i supposed to know when to use that? do i now have to go digging through all past scripts to make that change for those who use 4gb instead of normal exe? i am almost certain now that this is the reason some people are reporting errors on scripts that work perfectly before being posted.
can you add a command option for specific QuickBMS exe check to be used at the start of script, maybe something like this for for when 4g exe is needed? QuickBMSver 0.9.2 4gb
startfunction QUICKBMS_4GB_CHECK math TMP64 = 0x10000000 math TMP64 * 16 if TMP64 == 0 print "you must use quickbms_4gb_files.exe with big archives" cleanexit endif endfunction