Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

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Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »


I would like to know if a tutorial or a converter exist to port old MexScript to BMS ?

I would like to port them myself to learn the BMS Scripts in order to make new scripts myself.

Like this MexScript :

Spider-Man PC PKR3 Files (The only Script who works with theses files, not the case of the BMScripts on the website).

Code: Select all

ImpType StandardTail;
Get MW Long 0;
SavePos TailOffOff 0;
Get TailOff Long 0;
GoTo TailOff 0;
Get U1 Long 0;
Get Folders Long 0;
Get Files Long 0;
SavePos FolderStart 0;
Set D Long Folders;
Math D *= 40;
Math D += FolderStart;
For T = 1 To Folders;
GoTo FolderStart 0;
GetDString FoN 32 0;
Get TPF Long 0;
Get CurFiles Long 0;
SavePos FolderStart 0;
GoTo D 0;
Set A Long 0 ;
Do ;
Math A += 1 ;
GetDString FiN 32 0;
Get U2 Long 0;
Get ComBool Long 0;
SavePos FOO 0;
Get FO Long 0;
SavePos USO 0;
Get USize Long 0;
SavePos CSO 0;
Get CSize Long 0;
Set Name String FoN;
String Name += FiN;
If ComBool < 2;
Log Name FO CSize FOO CSO ;
While A < CurFiles;
SavePos D 0;
Next T;

or even this one (Same, the Atlantis The Lost Tales BMSScript is broken, only this following MexScript works fine) :

Code: Select all

IDString 0 "BigFile 1.00" ;
SavePos S 0 ;
Math S += 4 ;
GoTo S 0 ;
Get FileNum Long 0 ;
Get DataSize Long 0 ;
Get DataStartL Long 0 ;
Get DataStartH Long 0 ;
For T = 1 to FileNum ;
Get StringSize Long 0 ;
Get U1 Long 0 ;
Get Size1 Long 0 ;
Get Size2 Long 0 ;
Get Size3 Long 0 ;
Get R1 Long 0 ;
Get ROff Long 0 ;
Get U2 Long 0 ;
GetDString FN StringSize 0 ;
Math ROff += DataStartL ;
Log FN ROff Size1 0 0 ;
Next T ;
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Acewell »

this will replace that spider man script and will extract all files as opposed
to just uncompressed wav and bik files, at least from my tests. :)

Code: Select all

idstring "PKR3"
get INFO_OFF long
get UKN long
get NUM_FOLDERS long
get TOTAL_FILES long
math TMP * 40
for i = 0 < NUM_FOLDERS
    getdstring FOLDERNAME 0x20
    get TPF long
    get FILES long
    savepos FOLDERSTART
    goto TMP
    for j = 0 < FILES
        getdstring FNAME 0x20
        get UKN2 long
        get FLAG long
        get OFFSET long
        get SIZE long
        get ZSIZE long
        string NAME p "%s%s" FOLDERNAME FNAME
        if FLAG < 2
            log NAME OFFSET ZSIZE
            clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE
    next j
    savepos TMP
next i
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

MexScript and BMS script are compatible, no need to edit them.

BMS simply makes the filenumber field optional and doesn't need the ';' delimiter.
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »

Hi aLuigi.

Not the case here, theses 2 scripts doesn't work on QuickBMS ! QuickBMS extract 0% of archive.
But works fine on MultiEX Commander. MultiEX Commander extract 100% of the archive.

Why ? Maybe a bug on QuickBMS ?
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

Please upload the two sample files and I will check what's wrong.
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »

Here is the Spider's PKR and Atlantis The Lost Tales BIG FILE ;)
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

In the first script the problem is the following line:

Code: Select all

Log Name FO CSize FOO CSO ;

which must be fixed with:

Code: Select all

Log Name FO CSize # FOO CSO ;

The reason is that quickbms doesn't need those two fields for reimporting the file and they collide with the syntax of the optional arguments.

All the multiex scripts on my website have these additional fields fixed.

Where did you find these scripts?
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

I don't see any problem with the second script.
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »

Thanks for the fix for the first script aLuigi !
I found theses scripts on old Zenhax posts when searching for scripts.
Because you don't have working scripts for theses games on your website.

For the second script i talked about this one : ...

Who doesn't work and only the MexScript works fine.
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

It's a completely different format.
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

This is the correct script for that format:
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »

Ah okay, because the BIGCD1.BIG i send you it's Atlantis The Lost Tales game ^^

So what format this script on your website extract ?
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

The reference topic was viewtopic.php?t=2192 but I think the original topic was
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »

Ahhhh okay for the Sega Saturn version !!

Good to know !

Do you have a Versailles 2 ( *.bf ) script ? It's written supported but i can't found anywhere the script on your website.
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

If you have a sample file I can support it on the fly

P.S.: I have now added Sega Saturn in the title of the Atlantis script
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »

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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »

Thanks aLuigi !

Do you know if .SPW and .SPR used in every Cryo Games are extractable by a BMS Script ?
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by aluigi »

I have only SPR in that archive and it's just data, I bet SPW is the same.
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Re: Convert old MexScript to BMSScript ?

Post by Tgames »

So they are not extractable ?

Like i know thanks to your scripts and lot of researcher we have almost every files supported of Cryo Games, except SPR/SPW.