sine/cosine/whatever calculations

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sine/cosine/whatever calculations

Post by AnonBaiter »

i just want to know if sine, cosine and other kinds of trigonometric functions can be done within this quickBMS language
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Re: sine/cosine/whatever calculations

Post by aluigi »

The answer is yes and no.
The math operators are there but keep in mind that quickbms doesn't support float numbers, just integers, so I don't know if the result is exactly what you expect.
math VAR1 sin VAR2
math VAR1 cos VAR2
math VAR1 log VAR2
math VAR1 pow VAR2
math VAR1 sqrt VAR2
math VAR1 ceil VAR2
All the C math operators are supported so you have a huge choice.
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Re: sine/cosine/whatever calculations

Post by AnonBaiter »

what about xmath operators?
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Re: sine/cosine/whatever calculations

Post by aluigi »

ah I need to correct my previous post.
It's NOT sin, it's ?sin:
math VAR1 ?sin VAR2
math VAR1 ?cos VAR2
math VAR1 ?log VAR2
math VAR1 ?pow VAR2
math VAR1 ?sqrt VAR2
math VAR1 ?ceil VAR2

In theory xmath uses the same operators of math but in practice it doesn't support these "textual" operators.
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Re: sine/cosine/whatever calculations

Post by AnonBaiter »

well it's about time i take notes with this