[Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

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[Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

Post by yulgangvn »

Currently the script can parse SKIN, BON and Animation but the animation still not right (rotation is good but the translation is fail..the mesh can move forward but floating little up and down)

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# Noesis Python model import+export test module, imports/exports some data from/to a made-up format
from os.path import *
from math import *
from inc_noesis import *


ROOT_DIR = dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))
FILE_BON_PATH = ROOT_DIR + "\\YulgangVN\\Bones\\"

# registerNoesisTypes is called by Noesis to allow the script to register formats.
# Do not implement this function in script files unless you want them to be dedicated format modules!

def registerNoesisTypes():
    handle = noesis.register("YulgangVN - SKIN", ".skin;.bon;.ani")
    noesis.setHandlerTypeCheck(handle, checkSkinType)
    noesis.setHandlerLoadModel(handle, checkSkinLoad)
    # noesis.setHandlerWriteModel(handle, noepyWriteModel)
    # noesis.setHandlerWriteAnim(handle, noepyWriteAnim)

    # print("The log can be useful for catching debug prints from preview loads.\nBut don't leave it on when you release your script, or it will probably annoy people.")
    return 1

# check if it's this type based on the data
def checkSkinType(data):
    if len(data) < 16:
        return 0

    return 1

# load the model
def checkSkinLoad(data, mdlList):
    global MESH_LIST
    global BONE_LIST
    global ANI_LIST
    ctx = rapi.rpgCreateContext()
    filePath = rapi.getInputName()   # get file path
    fileExt = filePath.split('.')[-1]  # get file extesion

    boneData = rapi.loadPairedFile("YulgangVN - BON", ".bon")
    aniData = rapi.loadPairedFile("YulgangVN - Ani", ".ani")

    # create parser
    yulgangParser = YulgangParser(data, boneData, aniData, fileExt)

    MESH_LIST = yulgangParser.parseSkin()
    BONE_LIST = yulgangParser.parseBon()
    ANI_LIST = yulgangParser.parseAni()

    mdl = NoeModel(MESH_LIST, BONE_LIST, ANI_LIST)
    # important, don't forget to put your loaded model in the mdlList

    return 1

def normalize(v, tolerance=0.0001):
    mag2 = sum(n * n for n in v)
    # print(mag2)
    if mag2 != 0.0:
        if abs(mag2 - 1.0) > tolerance:
            mag = sqrt(mag2)
            v = tuple(n / mag for n in v)
    return v

def axisangle_to_q(v, theta):
    v = normalize(v)
    x, y, z = v
    theta /= 2
    w = cos(theta)
    x = x * sin(theta)
    y = y * sin(theta)
    z = z * sin(theta)
    return x, y, z, w

class YulgangParser(object):
    def __init__(self, skinData, boneData, aniData, fileExt=""):
        self.skinStream = NoeBitStream(skinData)
        self.bonStream = NoeBitStream(boneData)
        self.aniStream = NoeBitStream(aniData)
        self.fileExt = fileExt
        self.bones = {}  # new

    def parseBon(self):
        global BONE_LIST
        if self.bonStream is None:
            print('Data stream is null')

        # MAIN_BON_FILE_NAME = filePath.split('\\')[4]

        # boneFile = open(FILE_BON_PATH + 'bone' + ".txt", "w")
        boneNameList = []  # create arrray to contain all bone name

        boneCount = self.bonStream.readInt()  # read bone count
        print('Bone Count: ' + str(boneCount))

        noeBones = []
        for i in range(boneCount):
            currentOffset = self.bonStream.tell()  # get current offset

            boneName = self.bonStream.readString()  # read current bone name

            self.bonStream.seek(currentOffset + 50,
                                NOESEEK_ABS)  # seek 50 bytes

            bonePName = self.bonStream.readString()  # read parent bone name
            self.bonStream.seek(currentOffset + 100,
                                NOESEEK_ABS)  # seek 50 bytes

            boneMatrix = NoeMat44.fromBytes(

            # create NoeBone
            noeBone = NoeBone(len(noeBones), boneName,
                              boneMatrix, bonePName, -1)

            # new - it creat dict bonename==> index
            self.bones[boneName] = noeBone

        # check if bone doesnt have info from birnary file, create empty infor for it
        # e.x: Scene Root
        for noeBone in noeBones:
            if noeBone.parentName not in boneNameList:
                parentBone = NoeBone(
                    len(noeBones), noeBone.parentName, NoeMat43(), "", -1)
                self.bones[parentBone.name] = parentBone
                noeBones.append(parentBone)  # add to main list

        # calculate bone parent index
        for bone in noeBones:
            if bone.parentName in self.bones:
                bone.parentIndex = self.bones[bone.parentName].index
                # boneFile.write(str(bone.index) + "::" + bone.name + "::" +
                #                bone.parentName + "::" + str(bone.parentIndex) + "\n")  # write to file

        # print("Write file " + 'bone' + ".txt success!")
        # boneFile.close()  # close file

        return noeBones

    def parseSkin(self):
        if self.skinStream is None:
            print('Data stream is null')
        elif self.fileExt != 'skin':
            print('Selected file is not Skin format')

        self.skinStream.readUByte()    # number of mesh in file

        vertexCount = self.skinStream.readInt()
        indicesCount = self.skinStream.readInt() * 3
        weightCount = self.skinStream.readInt()
        materialCount = self.skinStream.readInt()

        vertPostList = []
        indiceList = []
        weights = []
        vertUVList = []
        skinIdList = []
        matList = []
        skinWeightList = []
        skinIndiceList = []

        self.skinStream.readBytes(6 * 4)  # unknow
        self.skinStream.readBytes(16 * 4)  # unknow
        self.skinStream.readBytes(16 * 4)  # unknow

        for i in range(vertexCount):
            curOffset = self.skinStream.tell()

            if weightCount == 1:
                seekOffset = curOffset + 36
                bwgt = [1.0]
                bidx = [self.skinStream.read("B")]
                self.skinStream.readBytes(4 * 3)
                uv = NoeVec3()
                uv.vec3 = self.skinStream.read("ff")+(0,)
            elif weightCount == 2:
                seekOffset = curOffset + 40
                w1 = self.skinStream.readFloat()
                w2 = 1.0 - w1
                bwgt = [w1, w2]
                bidx = self.skinStream.read("BB")
                self.skinStream.readBytes(4 * 3)
                uv = NoeVec3()
                uv.vec3 = self.skinStream.read("ff")+(0,)
            elif weightCount == 3:
                seekOffset = curOffset + 44
                w1 = self.skinStream.readFloat()
                w2 = self.skinStream.readFloat()
                w3 = 1.0 - w1 - w2
                bwgt = [w1, w2, w3]
                bidx = self.skinStream.read("BBB")
                # print(bidx)
                uv = NoeVec3()
                uv.vec3 = self.skinStream.read("ff")+(0,)
            elif weightCount == 4:
                seekOffset = curOffset + 48
                w1 = self.skinStream.readFloat()
                w2 = self.skinStream.readFloat()
                w3 = self.skinStream.readFloat()
                w4 = 1.0 - w1 - w2 - w3
                bwgt = [w1, w2, w3, w4]
                bidx = self.skinStream.read("BBBB")
                uv = NoeVec3()
                uv.vec3 = self.skinStream.read("ff")+(0,)
            # weights.append(NoeVertWeight(bidx, bwgt))
            self.skinStream.seek(seekOffset, NOESEEK_ABS)

        # read indiceList
        for i in range(indicesCount):

        # read matertial list
        meshList = []
        new = open("log.txt", 'w')  # outside Noesis log file
        for i in range(materialCount):
            weights = []
            mat = NoeMaterial("", "")

            matIDStart = self.skinStream.readInt() * 3
            matIDCount = self.skinStream.readInt() * 3
            boneMap = self.skinStream.read("28i")
            # print(boneMap)

            mesh = NoeMesh(indiceList[matIDStart:matIDStart+matIDCount], vertPostList, str(i).zfill(2))
            mesh.uvs = vertUVList

            # procedure to get correct vertex bone index
            newSkinIndiceList = []
            for i in range(vertexCount):
            for idx in indiceList[matIDStart:matIDStart+matIDCount]:
                bidx = skinIndiceList[idx]
                bwgt = skinWeightList[idx]
                newbidx = []
                for m in range(len(bidx)):
                newSkinIndiceList[idx] = newbidx

            for i in range(vertexCount):
                    newSkinIndiceList[i], skinWeightList[i]))
            mesh.weights = weights

        return meshList

    def parseAni(self):
        global BONE_LIST
        if self.aniStream is None:
            print('Ani stream is null')
            return 0
        if len(BONE_LIST) == 0:
            print('Bone List is empty.Please parse BON first')
            return 0
        print("bones:", len(self.bones))

        animList = []
        noeKeyFramedBones = []
        self.aniStream.seek(512, NOESEEK_ABS)  # ignore 512 bytes

        boneCount = self.aniStream.readUByte()   # get bone count
        curBone = NoeBone(0, "", NoeMat43())

        for i in range(boneCount):
            currentOffset = self.aniStream.tell()

            name = self.aniStream.readString()  # read bone name
            curBone = self.bones[name]  # get bone by name

            self.aniStream.seek(currentOffset + 50, NOESEEK_ABS)  # seek 50 bytes
            # get bone pose matrix
            matrix44 = NoeMat44.fromBytes(self.aniStream.readBytes(64))  # .inverse()
            # print(matrix44)
            matrix43 = matrix44.toMat43()
            # print(matrix43)

            quatFromMatrix = matrix43.toQuat()
            transFromMatrix = matrix43[2]

            posNoeKeyFramedValues = []   # array contain list translation
            translateFrameCount = self.aniStream.readInt()
            for j in range(translateFrameCount):
                time = self.aniStream.readInt() / 320.0
                xp = self.aniStream.readFloat()
                yp = self.aniStream.readFloat()
                zp = self.aniStream.readFloat()
                if time > 0:  # ignroe frame 0
                    vector = NoeVec3((xp, yp, zp))
                    transMatrix = transFromMatrix.__mul__(vector)
                    # print(transMatrix)
                    posKeyFrameValue = NoeKeyFramedValue(time, vector)  # create instance
                    posNoeKeyFramedValues.append(posKeyFrameValue)   # add to list

            rotNoeKeyFramedValues = []   # array contain list rotation
            rotateFrameCount = self.aniStream.readInt()
            for j in range(rotateFrameCount):
                rotTime = self.aniStream.readInt() / 320.0
                v = self.aniStream.read("3f")  # read vector
                angle = self.aniStream.read("f")[0]  # read angle
                # convert vector + angle to QUAT
                if rotTime > 0:  # ignore frame 0
                    quat = axisangle_to_q(v, angle)
                    rotMatrix = NoeQuat()
                    rotMatrix.quat = quat
                    rotMatrix = quatFromMatrix.__mul__(rotMatrix)
                    rotKeyFrameValue = NoeKeyFramedValue(
                        rotTime, rotMatrix)  # create instance
                        rotKeyFrameValue)   # add to list

            # create NoeKeyFramedBone
            if len(self.bones) > 0:
                actionBone = NoeKeyFramedBone(self.bones[name].index)
                actionBone = NoeKeyFramedBone(curBone.index)

                posNoeKeyFramedValues, noesis.NOEKF_TRANSLATION_VECTOR_3)

            # add to keyframedBones list

        # create NoeKeyFramedAnim
        anim = NoeKeyFramedAnim(
            "Animation 1", BONE_LIST, noeKeyFramedBones, 10)

        # add to animList
        return animList

Sample data:
( A Monster Cat in game)
Sample data 2: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtK3xgihMkhwhI5X4qoASMisva14PQ (Blacksmith)
Blacksmith's IDLE animation demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEAQaz0KKWo

Current problem is the translation animation (Mesh floating up and down a little)
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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:55 am

Re: [Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

Post by yulgangvn »

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Re: [Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

Post by yulgangvn »

Up for help
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Re: [Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

Post by yulgangvn »

Up for help !
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Re: [Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

Post by yulgangvn »

Up for help !!!!
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Re: [Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

Post by yulgangvn »

Up for help !!!!
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Re: [Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

Post by yulgangvn »

Up for help !
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Re: [Scion Of Fate][HELP] Generate Animation for Mesh in Noesis

Post by Allen »

I noticed that some animations don't really move forward, they seem to spin in place.
I think each frame of X-axis data of "Bip01 Footsteps" is a step span, and an initial value needs to be set, and then the initial value is added to the current span data once per frame to get the current position. Then the value of each frame of Z axis of "Bip01" needs to + "current position value".
I tested that it is useful for the MNK10001280.ani sample file.

About the question that the mesh will float up and down:
My understanding is, for example, the blacksmith's animation (MNK00002110.ani),
which is obviously a slight squat movement,because the left and right Thighs have translation and rotation data.
When they move, the foot bones Will follow it shaking. If IK animation is used, there will be no floating.
IK animation is Inverse Kinematics, and the child bones affect the parent.
I think the breakthrough point is here, but I still can't find a solution.