warrantyvoider wrote:I had no time yet to look at the actual chunk contents, but as far as ive seen, each entry is missings its header and I dont see no magic for encryption anywhere. dunno, im busy with the two filesystems before I can look at content data
PS: about cas data:
cat tells you to load a region from cas, then start reading blocks, with this 8 byte header. cat files can also contain a second list, where one entry is 80 bytes and has additional 20 bytes (in compare to a normal entry) that look like encryption keys again... (because no block header to see when reading where it says there, and also theres no cas number as far as I can see)
cat file 010 Editor Template
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uint flag; //0x01CED100
int zero;
byte signaturedata[0x224]; //rsa signature info, 0x224 bytes
byte nyan[0x10]; //NyanNyanNyanNyan, 0x10 bytes
int list1count;
int list3count;
int list2count;
byte padding[0xc];
struct {
byte sha1[0x14];
int offset;
int size;
int unknown;
int cas_num;
} list1[list1count];
struct {
byte sha1[0x14];
int offset;
int size;
int unknown1;
int unknown2;
int size2; // size2 should equal to size
byte unk1[0x28];
} list2[list2count];
struct {
byte unknown[0x3c];
} list3[list3count];
cas is compressed in chunks using zstandard
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int decompressedsize;
ushort flag?;
ushort compressedsize;
byte[] compresseddata; //compressed data starts with magic header 0xfd2fb528
Decompression code
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static extern UIntPtr ZSTD_decompress(IntPtr dst, int dstCapacity,
IntPtr src, int compressedSize);
public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] buffer, long decompressedsize)
byte[] decbuffer = new byte[decompressedsize];
int offset = 0;
var cmphandle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var decmphandle = GCHandle.Alloc(decbuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
using (BinaryReaderEx br = new BinaryReaderEx(new MemoryStream(buffer), Endianness.Big))
while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length)
int framedecsize = br.ReadInt32();
short flag = br.ReadInt16();
ushort framesize = br.ReadUInt16();
int decsize = (int)ZSTD_decompress(decmphandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()+ offset, decbuffer.Length,cmphandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (int)br.BaseStream.Position, (int)framesize);
offset += decsize;
br.BaseStream.Position += (int)framesize;
return decbuffer;
I decompressed the texture data with the correct size, but the pixel format seems wrong.