added autopreview for those textures with type 0x37 (mostly used for diffs it seems), so a small percentage of the textures can be browsed and exported now^^

if anyone can create a successfull dds header for the other formats, I can add those too

but that wont be my focus, now id like to put a texture back in, to see how hard import is going to be
greetz WV
PS: attached current version, right click the preview for export
PPS: about the format and dumping from memory, choose dx11 wrapper and start the exe with it : ... ost1683823
PPPS:in case someone wants to laugh at my code, this is the current texture code to make the header, let me know if anyone figures out how to add one update: after looking at the ripped dds files, I realize I simply miss support for the extended dx10 header, if anyone has code, let me know