Revelation Online (TianYu) (.*PG)

Do you know a tool, link or website for working on a specific game files or to help game research? Let's collect them here!
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Re: Revelation Online (TianYu) (.*PG)

Post by rhams09 »

Hi! May I know where the Textures for Gathering Items are? I'm having a hard time finding it. EXAMPLE: ORE, TREE, FLOWERS for Gathering Profession. Im planning to change their colors to easily locate or differentiate them from normal trees and objects.
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Re: Revelation Online (TianYu) (.*PG)

Post by Nira2304 »

I really need this suit. I used ROPGUnpacker and 3D Object Converter.
All the same I can not find in such heap the necessary bone with textures (
Help me please.
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Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:27 pm

Re: Revelation Online (TianYu) (.*PG)

Post by rusian »


how do i update Projects\FileNames.list ?
i have too many "__Unknown" data about 1.9GB

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Re: Revelation Online (TianYu) (.*PG)

Post by Siwy389 »

how do I view the models what do I have to use? and which files are the models? .model? or .cdata?