Possible next features of QuickBMS

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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by Shokoniraya »

MerlinSVK wrote:@Shokoniraya: QBMS reimports texts/files and do NOT repack them. Still don't know what you don't understand on that.
QBMS is powerful tool, but not almighty. So if you want repacker, you have to make it by yourself (or find somebody else to do that).

if file have offset: then add new offset (just like current reimport2 and it is possible right now)
if file dont have offset: then replace text raw and update size too (but in normally its really not well and QuickBMS should have a command-line option for that)
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by aluigi »

We already discussed about this many times in the past.
Quickbms does NOT shrink or enlarge the file and will never do it because it completely screws the format.
If you want to do it then use python, C or any other programming language.
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by Shokoniraya »

aluigi wrote:@Shokoniraya
We already discussed about this many times in the past.
Quickbms does NOT shrink or enlarge the file and will never do it because it completely screws the format.
If you want to do it then use python, C or any other programming language.

will not screws the format! i can do it with hex and game works fine!(replace text by hand) and it can help a lot in localization (i didnt wanted to start. i just said to a MerlinSVK)
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by GHOST DEAD »

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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by Shokoniraya »

and why i asked this thing alot of Times?

in past Times, i worked with lua, and i have two job and don't have much time to sit at home and work on Game File to make a complete tool and i'm not very good at lua really! and don't have time to learn a language programming and i always do it with hex! i can understand file algorithms! but i don't have time to do it! (if someone think i am lying(lie) or its a junk!, then i must said you got wrong thinking!(not aluigi or everyone, i talking about those guys that always fooling people)

this option can help me or a lot of people to localization! is'nt clear? screw format? what screwing if there is no hex-asdres(Offset) and can even do it with hex!
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by MerlinSVK »

If the file format is so simple, then you really don't need QuickBMS.
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by aluigi »

It's very rare to find a so simple format like that, so simple that quickbms is not needed.
Here is where I gave you the answer for the same exact request you made weeks ago:
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by jac »

i extracted pak file crysis 2 by quickbms and edit file texture but I can not paking file :urg: :disgust:
please Introduce program for pak file texture crysis 2 ?
I created the file texture.pak by winrar , winzip , 7zip but the game did not identify
how create texture.pak that the game can read?
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by Shokoniraya »

so let me tell you something

quickbms is the best language programming that i ever saw
its quick and can use in every where (can sit on any computer and make your script)
its really good for files with offset and really useful for file editing
but please just one time read carefully, just one time!

why i post a lot of comment for that?
answer: i saw a lot of files for now that i can do it with same thing that i always talked about it (replace binary to bigger size without offset), but just adding this option can make quickbms perfect to use on more file types (replace without offset and set new size just like reimport2)
this tool has all of known compression type, and can add new offset in last byte of file and give a option to importing files in smaller compression size in hex, without changing size!

but one of important deficiency and shortage is replace file without offset in bigger size!

that is the all of thing that i have to say and please read it as well and then tell me

and i have to add this note too: i write a batch file and 5 script to working on a archive, sometimes we have to make more script than one to working on a file (like a real program)
quickbms can turn to a better tool, not just in game localization, it helpe me alot in server files and app files! not just games! it can use on alot of things and even can turn to one of best ways for language programming on files if you solve some of defects

Replace binary if there is no offset

Original: 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00

edited in bigger: 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00

edited in smaller: 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00
replace, not overwrite and file never screw because there is no any offset and can help a lot in text files

That was all of the things that i want to tell you! and no more or no less
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by aluigi »

I perfectly know about that and I said in my post (or in another one later) that what looks so simple in your example is painful to implement in quickbms.
Shrinking or enlarging a file on disk requires many file operations that have some impact on big files.
I will check what I can do.
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by Shokoniraya »

Hello aluigi
i have a new suggestion for reimport mode
it's for reimport2, well

how reimport2 works?
if raw file was bigger than original (not matter compressed raw or decompressed raw), then add a new offset and update size and offset!
and if raw file not was bigger, or even with bigger file but with smaller compressed size. then update size (updating size, right? but if offset available?) and fill rest of bytes with \x00
but i have a better plan, (reimport is good! but im just talking about reimport2 in this time!)
its could be better to change compression level to set real size same as original raw without filling with \x00! because some games will give error for that! (games! not quickbms!)
and use maximum compression level if not have enough space (i think this one are available but want to be make sure quickbms have it or not)
i know, some compression types like lzo1x has a different story for their limited sectional. but filling with zero is not a good thing at all and give error in those engines that taking full of binary file and calculating and if not was match with decompressed size, then cant run because calculated zero bytes will add to end of binary (or will calculate zero bytes with them, why? because in this engines, program will not calculating by compress or decompress size and just read raw binary and will calculate compressed bytes and will translating or decoding them, and reading size is just for knowing compression level or just making sure for matching by uncompressed size) and if file will be bigger in real mode, so its going to bigger than original raw and game will crash and mismatch and zero bytes is the main reason! (maybe its looks like a wrong suggestion but its true because most of android games or console games using real calculating! not just calculating by size fields!

what is the main request?
dont fill with zero in reimport2 and change compressed level to set raw file same as original without using zero! iknow two zero byte or more cant make problem, but in this calculating method, its a big problem! and this work can be do with changing compression level!

here a good thing

Code: Select all

2B 8A 59 EA BC 43 96 99 5E 77 EC ED A8 5D A9 94
16 8C D6 31 3D EA FA 27 C3 ED 5D CC A7 95 48 0A
FC AB AE 89 D2 2B DA B4 9A 56 CB 29 7F 1C 47 C7
E5 8F EF 0E 2B 32 C5 C2 5A 2C 71 30 19 3B 2B 29
74 92 D1 AA 70 9C DC 45 2A 31 AE C2 12 4C EF CB
18 07 7B EA 70 1B F7 BC 33 D3 3B 1A 28 74 5D 44
2F 6D 34 B9 0E 2F 87 AF CE B0 3E 3C 6C C3 4F 7F

with quick bms

Code: Select all

2A DB 56 AF 43 F6 CC 45 A3 1D 6D D2 D4 52 6A 70
D4 AC 85 ED 73 A5 20 CF 6C 76 A5 76 D7 8B 77 CA
7A FB 0B F3 DB 0A EB 1D 78 91 55 13 EE 74 DA 62
DF AB 64 DD FE ED 02 BD 1A D8 9C 27 28 38 A6 5A
C6 6E 30 C4 A5 54 5D F0 [color=#FF0000]00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00[/color]

edited with changing compressed level
but should be like this

Code: Select all

D4 AC 85 ED 73 A5 20 CF 6C 76 A5 76 D7 8B 77 CA
7A FB 0B F3 DB 0A EB 1D 78 91 55 13 EE 74 DA 62
DF AB 64 DD FE ED 02 BD 1A D8 9C 27 28 38 A6 5A
16 6E 30 C4 A5 54 5D F0 C4 E9 F6 EB 1B E0 20 8F
4C E1 9F D5 1E 7D EC E1 E7 99 7E 34 EA 7B 43 ED
20 8C 91 B2 BC 78 9B A4 52 FE 9E B2 3D 4E AC BB
B6 8D BF 37 7B E5 61 2C FC 3B 83 B2 B7 4B FB E5
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by aluigi »

You can't change the compression algorithm or setting it as non-compressed because quickbms is a general tool that works with everything.
quickbms doesn't know what's the meaning of a field or what are the possible values or when it's considered compressed or uncompressed.
quickbms is not artificial intelligence.

quickbms already uses the best compression settings available.

filling with zero is necessary, maybe in next version zeroes will be replaced with spaces when SLog is used.
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by Shokoniraya »

just a quick look and its can clear that why replacing is better then import in without-offset files

for examle, this is a text file in a UTF-16 file

Code: Select all

please press [buttton_2] and release

game will show: please press Button and release

and here a translate

Code: Select all


game will show: 押してボタンᅠᅠᅠᅠ、リリースしてください

as you can see, there is many space between ボタン and ᅠ、リリースしてください
because Button has 6 character and ボタン just has 3 character
and in words that has less characters than original, its a real problem in this line

that is why filling whit space is not a good idea and replacing with zero(\x00) is not a good idea too, because some games will getting texts like this (get TEXT string)
best solution is add an option to replace raw file in both text and file (log and slog), sorry but i have to tell you.
i just telling this thing because i want to say write mode(-w) is not good always (without offset) and shifting will help
thank you sir aluigi
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by aluigi »

quickbms will not implement any shrinking system as already explained many times before.
Again, after months, we are still on the same thing already discussed.

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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by Shokoniraya »

there is another way! at least add a option to customize space " " to any other hex character like this:
quickbms.exe -char \x2F script.bms file.txt
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by Delutto »

I have a suggestion: a script command for extension filter in GUI mode.

Code: Select all

guifilter "*.dat;*.idx"

I bet most of the quickbms users use the GUI version, so will be nice if the open file dialog shows only the proper files for the selected script.
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by aluigi »

Good idea.
I think I can do it by adding -F to QuickBMSver, after all the job of -F is just that one of filtering the input, example:
quickbmsver "-F *.dat;*.idx"

Added to my TODO list.
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by aluigi »

Ok bad news.
The parsing of the bms script happens after the loading of the input file, therefore can't be implemented any filter in the script.
The only thing I can do is making -F working on the dialog in some way.
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by shekofte »

Delutto wrote:I have a suggestion: a script command for extension filter in GUI mode.

Code: Select all

guifilter "*.dat;*.idx"

I bet most of the quickbms users use the GUI version, so will be nice if the open file dialog shows only the proper files for the selected script.

But i bet the prompt BMS is most popular !
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Re: Possible next features of QuickBMS

Post by aluigi »

Another bad news, even by using -F as argument when launching quickbms in GUI mode, still the files selection happens before any parsing of the command-line options.

Anyway next version will have -F working in quickbmsver so the user can just select the whole folder and quickbms will open only the input files matching the filter.
Not a solution but there are no alternatives.