- it's not possible to create that file due to its filename or related incompatibilities (for example already exists a folder with that name), so now you must choose a new filename for saving it. if you press ENTER a new name will be generated automatically. - old: cars\a110alpine\accent\accentrc\astrair\astrarc\beetlersi\bmw318\celica b\celicahc\cordoba\corolla\deltas4\focussvt\gt70\imprezahc\imprezawrx\lancere65h c\lancere6rc\lancere8\lancia037\megane\metro\micra\octavia\peugeot205\peugeot206 \peugeot306\peugeot405hc\puma\quattros1\quattros1hc\r5turbo\rs200\rs200rc\saab93 hc\saab93rc\stratos\tacoma\vitarahc\volvo240\volvos40\xsara\xsararc\mesh\dirtdus t.res - new: ^C
Yeah sorry a mistake I made while I was trying to "optimize" the script before the release.plus a new thing not available in the previous samples. Script 0.1.1
How is that possible? Are you sure you are not using an old version of quickbms? There is really no memory used except for the small compressed header of the archive.
No absolutely no memory issue, quickbms correctly reports any problem and I doubt you have 128 Mb of RAM It's more probable that you didn't copy&paste the script correctly. Download it, no copy&paste.
This is so weird... I have downloaded the script of course. I've just used the NFS Shift script before thinking this could have been an issue with the program, and QuickBMS unpacked everything correctly as always. I'm clueless.
Maybe it's a rare bug in quickbms that happens when handling the C structs (an unofficial feature of the tool) and you have been lucky to catch it. I have updated the script to version 0.1.3a to avoid to use these C structs, can you check if you still have the same problem?
aluigi wrote:Maybe it's a rare bug in quickbms that happens when handling the C structs (an unofficial feature of the tool) and you have been lucky to catch it. I have updated the script to version 0.1.3a to avoid to use these C structs, can you check if you still have the same problem?
Very good, now the real problem for me is understanding where is the bug
The RES archives are supported by the same script, there is no compression but I don't know what's their format. What I know is that they are 2 groups of files in each RES archive.