Diablo immortal models

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
DJ Normality
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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by DJ Normality »

If you install PVRtools and then go to folder. Backtrack to this folder here and go do CLI
Use PVRTexToolCLI.exe with a .bat i think the command was this:
for /r %%i in (*.pvr) do PVRTexToolCLI.exe -i "%%i" -d
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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by zaramot »

Thanks everyone! I should examine and have more experience with this PVRTexTool! :) I managed to convert textures using it, maybe because I'm not dealing with mobile games a lot, this one was something new to me

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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by sanktanglia »

What rendering engine are you using? I see you've got bump mapping working and I've been struggling with that on my own
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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by coredevel »

I think he writes scripts in Max, so that is 3ds max render.

Things like vertex normals and tangents are pre-computed data. You don't actually need to use the model data if you know how to calculate them yourself.

Compute tangents from UVs:
https://marti.works/posts/post-calculat ... mesh/post/

If you want to test your normal mapping, then I would suggest downloading a normal map test pattern from Google, like a bumpy wall pattern, and render it on a simple flat plane.
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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by TMouse »

So first of, my textures end with .Texture2D, so not sure how you got the PVRTexTool to work with them :/

Second, is there some kind of wiki set up somewhere how to the .model file format looks like, or did I miss something ?

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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by TMouse »

NEver mind, I found it :)


The 3D Studio Max import script can be downloaded here: https://github.com/TaylorMouse/MaxScripts/tree/master/GriffonStudios/Diablo
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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by coredevel »

TMouse, have you tried importing animation yet?

There are some old templates on it. They may need updating. See DiabloImmortal_Animation.bt here:
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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by TMouse »

Oh, didn't know that, no not yet just figured out the .mesh and how to import this afternoon :D

But thanks, will take a look at it!
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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by spiritovod »

@TMouse: Most textures can be converted to respective formats with the script from here.
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Re: Diablo immortal models

Post by zardalu »

spiritovod wrote:@TMouse: Most textures can be converted to respective formats with the script from here.

Thanks spiritovod. For anyone interested, when extracted and converted, most of the game's textures are in the 00-FF folders. They will be in slightly altered .dds files which can be read by Noesis among other tools. They will be named something like d31044d1-a4c9-42df-84a2-1abac784baa3.6.dds.

With such names how do you find which texture belongs to the mesh you like? Easy! Most mesh files have a corresponding .material file with a similar name. Inside of those material files, when read with a simple text editor like notepad, each of the required textures files are listed, for example:



A quick search with something like agent ransack with lead you to all of the required files to match with your mesh, until someone smarter than me makes something to automate the process. I made some crude batch files which are working for me for now.


Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention: the textures should be flipped before applying to your mesh so the normal maps retain the correct green channel orientation, rather than flipping the UVs on the models, if you care about that