Basically, I got that archive from a Wii game made by Rockstar(Bully Scholarship Edition). That's it.
EDIT: So I used your script and this is what I got. Also, the output files are supposed to be .genh, not .gen. If you wish I can upload what's left from the archive(.bin, .lst).
Error: incomplete input file 0: E:\ROCKSTAR_LEL\BULLY_SCHOLARSHIP_EDITION\WII\audio\PLAYLIST\Speech.fsb Can't read 4 bytes from offset 4c1b8800. Anyway don't worry, it's possible that the BMS script has been written to exit in this way if it's reached the end of the archive so check it or contact its author or verify that all the files have been extracted. Please check the following coverage information to know if it's ok.
coverage file 0 96% 1233909539 1276872704
Last script line before the error or that produced the error: 4 get DUMMY1 long
Hey guys. Quick question. While using fsbext, if it can find a partial password, how many characters should it be? and you count from where? I have the following results on a file, please advise, if possible, thank you.
FSB files extractor 0.3.5 by Luigi Auriemma e-mail: web:
- GUI mode activated, remember that the tool works also from command-line where are available various options
- select the output folder where extracting the files - input file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED\Audio\Musi c\drift_music.fsb - enter folder: C:\Users\User\Desktop\TCWD\fsbext - probably the file uses encryption, insert the needed keyword: type ? for viewing the hex dump of the first 176 bytes of the file because it's possible to see part of the plain-text password in the encrypted file! ? - encryption type 1 6c ae b4 ae ca 9a 7a c6 24 92 d2 ac c1 27 6b 5a l.....z.$....'kZ 1e ac 56 92 d0 6c d6 e6 91 1a fb e9 f4 39 e6 e6 ..V..l.......9.. 35 e8 ec d6 1b 4c 9d 04 bb 54 87 43 e3 b0 52 4f 5....L...T.C..RO 14 ac 54 d8 60 0e fc 1c 20 62 88 40 b2 98 80 c8 ..T.`... b.@.... f4 c6 70 ac 38 68 34 50 ca 32 d2 ac c2 4c 6e 7a ..p.8h4P.2...Lnz 1f da c4 92 f1 0d d4 e6 ac 6e 72 12 da 58 84 56 0e 24 d6 82 c3 47 7a c6 d3 32 d3 ac c3 4c 4e 7a .$...Gz..2...LNz 1e ac 77 6e f2 6e ee 84 a6 6e 72 12 24 2e 36 56$.6V 04 64 d4 c8 50 f8 50 3c a0 be 28 3e 84 da 30 fc .d..P.P<..(>..0. e4 5e 38 04 14 6c d6 e6 ac 6e 72 12 24 2e 36 56 .^$.6V 0f d5 8c 82 c0 49 08 c6 2c 32 d2 ac 3c fd 14 7a .....I..,2..<..z
- probably the file uses encryption, insert the needed keyword: type ? for viewing the hex dump of the first 176 bytes of the file because it's possible to see part of the plain-text password in the encrypted file!
Have a big .fsb (version 5) archive with mp3 format and last file extracted from it is obviously wrong, cause it have 1gb size while 1.38 is whole .fsb size and rest of extracted files are 1.37gb.
Just checking in this moment. All the offsets and sizes are correct till the file at offset 0x400a9720 ("FR_HQ_sid_DLGMINER-LINE2057"). Give me some minutes.
Version 0.3.8 An user provided a sample that had the channels sub field (type 0xa) set to zero so I had to "restore" the original channels specified in the header (don't know why they specify zero channels), then I had to limit the offset to 32 bits instead of the hypotethical 34 I thought (due to "samples >> 2" + 32, yeah guessing was wrong).
I thought about a similar option for helping the people who use fsb_aud_extr.exe on bank files that contain multiple fsb archives with ogg data, but I "forgot" (50% forgot, 50% lack of interest and lazyness due to all the necessary tests) to implement it. Probably it's better to make a script for that, findloc FSB, read the header and handle it if the format is correct or skip it if it's a false positive.
I don't understand if you are talking about an input fsb archive or an input raw file containing multiple fsb archives, because an fsb archive contains multiple audio data with information that have no sense in the prioprietary header of each entry (moreover fsb5 where it has dynamic size).
ok so I definitely not understand what you mean with extracting multiple fsb files from one fsb archive and what would be the purpose of a similar thing.
hello aluigi... your tool is verry good work with all fsb i can extract fsb file but how can i repack them? i want rebuild some mp3 files to fsb5... canyou help me? or give me a example of .bat file
fsbext has a rebuild option but it was used in the past and I doubt it's still compatible with the current versions of the FSB archive. It's better if you use the official fmod soundback tools.