Here's an npk file from \assets\res\model.
After several attempts with comtype scan I got a perfect match. The algorithm determined by the scan was LZ77EA_970, with an unzip size of 0x628 bytes for 0x28E bytes of compressed data from offset 0x20.
But I couldn't see any related info from the header, neither the tail.
And I found some strings in from \lib\armeabi-v7a that might be helpful.
Code: Select all
NXFileSystem has already been initialized!
RealFileOpener %s not found!
FileLoaderCreator %s not found!
Failed to create FileLoader, opener %s, loader %s, root %s, depth %d
Succeeded to create FileLoader, opener %s, loader %s, root %s, depth %d
AllNpkFilesHash::Load %s OK
AllNpkFilesHash::Load %s error
Failed to uncompress npk file(ZLIB) %d in real file %s opener tag %s, error code %d
Failed to uncompress npk file(LZ4) %d in real file %s opener tag %s, error code %d
Failed to uncompress npk file(LZO %d) %d in real file %s opener tag %s, error code %d
Unsupported compress type %d
Failed to init lzo library
Package %s under opener %s is loaded.
Failed to reload PackageFileLoader with root %s opener %s
Package %s under opener %s %s cache.
It didn't mention LZ77EA_970 though. But I recompressed the data with LZ4 compression, and the output matched with the original data, which proved that this file is indeed
LZ4-compressed. So base on these strings maybe it's true that these npk files use more than one compression.